According to Stack Overflow, Node.js is the most popular server-side technology in 2024, with adoption by over 42.73% of global coders. However, to hire Node.js developers, you must have relevant tech and recruiting expertise. If you want access to top talent, this article is your one-stop guide. Below, you will find:

  • Available Node.js developers for hire
  • Benefits of hiring Node.js experts
  • Required Node.js tech stack
  • The cost of hiring Node.js developers based on the engagement model and region
  • How to write a Node.js specialist job description and what interview questions to ask

So, let’s start our overview of how to hire Node.js developers to fit your project’s requirements.

Quick Facts: Node.js Developer Market

  • 42.73% of professional developers use Node.js as their primary web technology.
  • Express.js and Nest.js are the most popular Node.js frameworks, with 19.51% and 5.81% usage among global developers, respectively.
  • The average Node.js developer's annual salary in the US is $146,845. In Western Europe, it is $77,671 per year; in Eastern Europe - $39,620 per year; and in LATAM - $37,290 per year.
  • You can hire Node.js developers at the middle and senior levels starting at $75/hr in the US, $40/hr in Eastern Europe, and $45/hr in Latin America.

Available Node.js Developers for Hire



Senior Node.js Developer


Brooklyn, NY, United States



Tech Stack: Node.js, Express.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, RESTful APIs, GraphQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Microservices, Agile/Scrum, TDD, Git, CI/CD.

John is a skilled Node.js developer with over 9 years of experience. He holds certifications as an AWS Solutions Architect and MongoDB Developer. John can build scalable backend systems, design RESTful APIs, and implement a microservices architecture. In previous projects, he led development teams and code reviews, as well as mentored interns.





Junior Node.js Developer


San Francisco, CA, United States



Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js, Nest.js, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, MongoDB, Mongoose, Puppeteer, Google Cloud, Git, SQL, REST API, MySQL, Scrum, SQLite, Deno.js, Docker

Emily is a junior Node.js programmer with 1.5 years of experience in a freelance development team. She has created a system of web services with RESTful APIs, database integration, and cloud deployment. Emily has hands-on experience with relational (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite) and NoSQL (MongoDB) databases. She is familiar with Puppeteer for web scraping and Google Cloud for deployment.





Middle Node.js Developer


Buenos Aires, Argentina



Tech Stack: Node.js, Express.js, Nest.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, RabbitMQ, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Microservices, Agile/Scrum, Git, CI/CD

Mateo is a middle Node.js developer with over 3 years of commercial experience in web development. He has worked with outsourcing and product companies in the Healthcare, IoT, and Tech sectors. Mateo led a team to create microservices for a health-tech platform. He has extensive experience with asynchronous operations using Redis and RabbitMQ.

Mateo is proficient in setting up CI/CD pipelines and containerizing apps with Docker. He also has experience with AWS in deploying and managing cloud-based applications. Mateo has worked on projects with user authentication and real-time data processing.





Middle Node.js Developer


Kyiv, Ukraine



Tech Stack: Node.js, Expess.js, Restify, Fastify, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, RabbitMQ, JavaScript, Docker, TypeScript, Redis, Vue.js, React, AWS, Azure Cloud

Mykola is a Node.js developer with 4 years of experience. He has implemented several projects from scratch to production with Node.js for the backend and Vue.js or React for the frontend. Mykola excels in designing database schemas, optimizing queries, and ensuring data reliability. In recent projects, he developed a full-stack e-commerce platform and a real-time chat app.





Middle Node.js Developer


São Paulo, Brazil



Tech Stack: Node.js, Express.js, Nest.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, RabbitMQ, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Azure Cloud, GraphQL, REST API, MySQL, Git, CI/CD, Agile/Scrum, WebSockets, Microservices

Sofia is a middle Node.js developer with 4 years of experience. She has created server-side web apps for medium-sized projects in the e-commerce and finance sectors. Sofia has collaborated with cross-functional offshore teams.

She has also worked with message brokers like RabbitMQ and has implemented containerization using Docker. She has hands-on experience with cloud platforms like AWS and Azure. Sofia can implement RESTful APIs, GraphQL endpoints, and WebSockets.





Senior Node.js Developer


Warsaw, Poland


Part-time, 20 hours/week

Tech Stack: Node.js, Express.js, Fastify, Nest.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, Golang, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL, Redis, TypeORM, Docker, AWS, GraphQL, REST API, WebSockets, Linux, React, OOP, JSON, SQL, Git, TDD, BDD

Jakub is a seasoned Node.js developer with 10 years of experience in the field. He has a strong background in backend development, architecture design, and system integration. Jakub has led projects with third-party API integrations, SSO authorization, and architecture design. He can implement and manage RESTful APIs, GraphQL endpoints, and WebSockets. His expertise extends to blockchain integration using Ethereum and Hyperledger. Jakub also worked with legacy systems.


Part-time, 20 hours/week

Why Hire Node.js Developers?

Node.js is a versatile, open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. Node.js developers can build scalable network apps that run on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Node.js has a rich framework and library ecosystem. You can access it through npm, the largest software registry, which contains over 2.1 million packages.

Many companies prefer Node.js for its high performance and scalability. Let’s explore the benefits that make hiring Node.js developers a popular choice for businesses.

why hire node js developers


1. High performance and scalability

Node.js uses the V8 engine from Google Chrome, which compiles JavaScript directly into machine code. This results in faster execution and high performance. Node.js’s architecture allows it to handle many requests simultaneously, making it ideal for scalable apps.

Moreover, Node.js excels in building real-time applications, such as chats and online gaming. Its event-driven nature ensures that data updates in real time.


2. Single programming language

With Node.js, developers use JavaScript for both client-side and server-side development. This unification simplifies programming, reduces context switching, and enhances code reusability. Teams can work more efficiently and maintain a consistent codebase.


3. Rich ecosystem and community

Node.js has a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks available through npm. Over 2.1 million packages provide tools from database management to server-side rendering. It accelerates development by pre-built components.

Also, Node.js has a large developer community that contributes to its continuous improvement. On GitHub alone, there are over 3,440 contributors and over 393 releases. It This big community ensures that coders have access to tutorials and solutions for any challenges they encounter.


4. Microservices architecture and efficient I/O operations handling

Node.js is well-suited for building microservices due to its lightweight nature. Its non-blocking architecture efficiently handles I/O operations. It is particularly effective for databases, file systems, or network connections.


5. Easy integration with other technologies

Node.js integrates well with various databases, front-end frameworks, and cloud services. This technology is often part of a larger stack in full-stack development. Here are some popular combinations:

  • MERN Stack: MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js.
  • MEAN Stack: MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js.
  • MEVN Stack: MongoDB, Express.js, Vue.js, and Node.js.

Consider whether your project might benefit from these full-stack combinations. It can help you hire Node.js developers with the right mix of skills to seamlessly handle both front-end and back-end development.

Node.js Developer Skills

A Node.js developer builds server-side applications using JavaScript. Their role includes designing APIs, managing databases, and ensuring efficient app performance. Your decision to hire Node.js programmers must depend on their experience and expertise. Below are the essential hard skills to look for:

  • JavaScript and core Node.js
  • Node.js frameworks
  • Asynchronous programming (callbacks, promises, async/await)
  • Security practices (authentication and authorization)
  • Basic knowledge of frontend technologies
  • Database management (SQL: PostgreSQL, MySQL; NoSQL: MongoDB)
  • RESTful APIs and GraphQL
  • Testing, debugging (Mocha, Chai, Jest)
  • Understanding of I/O operations, IDEs
  • Node.js design patterns
  • Experience with third-party integrations
When it comes to Node.js frameworks, here are a few popular options to look for in candidates' resumes:


Express.js is the most popular Node.js framework for web applications and APIs. Express.js offers features that support middleware, routing, and templating.


This framework provides a structured way to build server-side applications with TypeScript. It combines Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Functional Programming (FP), and Reactive Programming. Nest.js follows a modular architecture and supports decorators, dependency injection, and integration with other libraries.


Koa.js enhances middleware composition and error handling with async functions (async/await).


This Node.js framework focuses on configuration-driven development and a robust plugin system. Developers use Hapi.js for input validation, authentication, caching, and error handling.


Sails.js uses the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern to build data-driven web apps and APIs. It follows the convention-over-configuration principle. Sails.js includes automatic RESTful API generation, WebSocket support, and database integration. It's an ideal choice for data-driven APIs and real-time applications.


Meteor.js enables developers to build end-to-end web applications using a single language. This full-stack framework supports real-time data updates, server-side rendering, and client-side database synchronization. Meteor.js excels in creating real-time collaborative apps.

When you want to hire senior Node.js developers, it’s essential to look beyond the basic skills. For example, senior coders should be proficient in microservices. They should have experience with CI/CD pipelines, containerization, and orchestration. Strong knowledge of AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud cloud platforms is also beneficial.

When you look for a Tech Lead, pay attention to team management, mentorship, or technical guidance experience.

Cost to Hire Node.js Developers

Node.js developers are in high market demand, which affects their rates. As of June 2024, LinkedIn alone has published over 29,000 Node.js jobs in the US. On average, top Node.js developers worldwide earn $55-90 per hour.

But keep in mind that these rates vary depending on the engagement model. The cost when you hire offshore Node.js developers vs in-house recruiting can differ significantly. So, let’s take a closer look at the popular hiring models and coders’ rates.

how to hire node js developers


In-House Node.js Developer Salary

In-house recruitment involves hiring full-time developers who become integral members of your organization. These coders are either stationed at your office or work remotely as permanent employees. This model is suitable for long-term projects requiring ongoing development and maintenance.

You can find Node.js developers through LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor job boards. Also, there are some tech-specific job platforms such as Stack Overflow Jobs and GitHub Jobs.

According to industry data, you can hire a Node.js developer in the USA for $114,508 – $179,182 per year. Besides salary, you must also budget for health insurance, paid time off, and other perks.

Node.js developer salary


$114,508 - $179,182


$42,087 - $86,741


$47,279 - $75,656


$56,994 - $81,767


$102,660 - $139,484


$36,240 - $69,500


$60,983 - $73,743

Eastern Europe

$23,799 - $55,448

Latin America

$19,895 - $54,686

Source: Average Node.js developer salary per year by country/region based on job postings on Glassdoor, Indeed, and StackOverflow surveys.

However, keep in mind that the recruitment process for in-house developers can be lengthy and resource-intensive. As a rule, it involves many rounds of interviews, technical tests, and onboarding procedures.

If your team doesn’t have a skilled technical recruiter, we recommend you consider an IT recruitment agency as your partner. They will handle the candidate selection and testing so you can focus on your core business functions. Such agencies usually charge up to 25% of the annual salary of a hired staff.


Freelance Node.js Developer Rates

You can hire freelance Node.js developers on a contract basis to work on specific tasks. They are not permanent employees and usually work remotely. This model is suitable for short-term projects requiring specialized skills.

The most popular freelance platforms that allow you to hire Node.js developers are Upwork, Toptal, and Freelancer. Here, you can check portfolios, read client reviews, and conduct interviews here.

how much does it cost to hire node js developers

Freelance costs for Node.js developers also vary based on experience, location, and project complexity. Rates range from $35 to $150 per hour.

North America
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Latin America

$60 - $150

$50 - $120

$30 - $60

$35 - $65

While this model can be more affordable, costs can escalate for specialized tasks or urgent projects. You need to establish clear contracts and milestones to manage these expenses.


IT Staff Augmentation

And the model we recommend is IT staff augmentation. Here, you partner with a staffing agency to extend your team with skilled developers. Coders work alongside your in-house team but without the long-term hiring commitment. You can also participate in final interviews to ensure pre-selected candidates fit your requirements. Once you select one, staffing experts start the onboarding process and take care of all administrative issues.

With DOIT Software, you can hire dedicated Node.js developers at a $0 recruitment cost. You will only pay the hourly or monthly rates of our top coders. Moreover, we will handle payroll, office space, taxes, HR, and legal support. You also are free to hire Node.js experts from Eastern Europe or LATAM to reduce costs by up to 60%, compared to in-house recruitment.

How to Hire a Node.js Developer?

The first step when looking to hire Node.js developers is to define your project needs. If you already have an existing programming team, consult with them to see what expertise you’re missing. Determine if you need a Node.js expert with backend knowledge only or if you should look into full-stack options. Also, decide what level of expertise you need.

For example, consider hiring junior staff if you already have a senior coder and want to expand your project. These steps will help you clarify what a Node.js developer will do and the necessary skills to begin crafting a job ad.


Node.js Developer Job Description

An effective job description should outline the role, responsibilities, required skills, and qualifications. Here’s a guide to help you craft a comprehensive job ad to hire Node.js developers.

steps to hire node js developers job description


Job title

Start with a clear and specific job title, such as:

  • Junior / Middle / Senior / Tech Lead Node.js developer
  • Back-end developer (Node.js)
  • Full-stack developer (Node.js + [front-end technology] / MEAN, MERN, MEVN stack)


Job summary

Provide a brief overview of the role. Include the primary responsibilities and the position’s purpose.

For example, you can write: “We are looking for a skilled Node.js Developer to join our dynamic team. You will be responsible for developing and maintaining server-side applications. You will work closely with front-end developers to integrate elements into the app.”



List the key responsibilities associated with the role. Be specific about what the candidate will do daily. Here’s an example:

  • Develop and maintain server-side applications using Node.js.
  • Collaborate with front-end developers to integrate user-facing elements with server-side logic.
  • Design and implement low-latency, high-availability, and performant applications.
  • Write reusable, testable, and efficient code.
  • Implement security and data protection measures.
  • Integrate data storage solutions (e.g., databases, key-value stores).
  • Participate in code reviews and provide feedback.
  • Troubleshoot and debug apps.



Outline the essential qualifications, skills, and experience required for the role. This section helps filter candidates based on their capabilities. Here is a rough list that you can modify as needed:

  • Proven experience as a Node.js Developer or similar role.
  • Strong proficiency in JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • In-depth knowledge of Node.js and its frameworks (e.g., Express.js, Koa.js, Nest.js).
  • Experience with databases such as MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.
  • Familiarity with front-end technologies (e.g., HTML, CSS, JavaScript frameworks).
  • Understanding of asynchronous programming and its quirks and workarounds.
  • Experience with version control systems (e.g., Git).
  • Knowledge of RESTful APIs and WebSocket protocols.
  • Familiarity with containerization tools (e.g., Docker) and CI/CD pipelines.
  • Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail.


Preferred qualifications

Include any extra skills that would be beneficial but are not strictly necessary. For example, you can mention experience with cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) or familiarity with test-driven development (TDD). Of course, depending on the project’s needs, these may also be mandatory requirements.


Soft skills

Highlight the personal attributes and soft skills that are important for the role. Here are some popular choices:

  • Strong communication and teamwork skills.
  • Ability to work independently.
  • Attention to detail and a commitment to quality.
  • Eagerness to learn and adapt to new methodologies.


Company overview and benefits

Briefly describe your company, its culture, and what makes it a great place to work. It will help you hire Node.js developers who understand your organization’s structure and goals.

List the benefits and perks that come with the job. It can attract top talent by showcasing what you offer beyond the basic salary. For example, you can include:

  • Competitive salary and performance bonuses.
  • Health insurance.
  • Flexible working hours and remote work options.
  • Professional development opportunities.
  • Paid time off and holiday schedule.
  • Team-building activities.


Application instructions

Provide clear instructions on how to apply for the position. Include any required materials (e.g., resume, cover letter, portfolio) and deadlines if applicable. You can also describe how the selection process for this position usually goes. For example, it can contain an initial call, coding test, technical interview, final meeting, and job offer.

Next, post a ready-made Node.js developer job description on job boards or hand it over to a staffing company.


Node.js Developer Interview

The interview is an essential part of the hiring process. It’s a good idea to do some technical testing on the shortlisted candidates and discuss the results at the meeting. Below is a table that will help you clarify the candidate’s skills and what technologies you need to test.

Programming Element
What to Test

Node.js versions

Node.js 18.x – Node.js 24.x


JavaScript, TypeScript

Web frameworks

Express.js, Koa.js, Nest.js, Hapi.js, Sails.js, Meteor.js

Desktop frameworks


Communication frameworks, WebRTC, MQTT, AMQP (RabbitMQ)

IoC Containers

InversifyJS, Awilix, BottleJS


Sequelize, TypeORM, Mongoose, Objection.js

Unit testing frameworks

Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, AVA, Tape

Build tools

Jenkins, Travis CI, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, GitLab CI

Besides, consider inviting a tech expert to the interview. It should be a Middle+ programmer with a similar focus who can assess the candidate’s practical skills. Here are some key points you should discuss to hire Node.js developers suitable for your project:

  • Technical stack. Experience with Node.js and frameworks.
  • Portfolios and projects they have worked on.
  • The type of team, development, and project management practices the candidate has experience with.

Here are some technical Node.js developer interview questions to ask:


How do you handle asynchronous operations in Node.js?

In Node.js, you can manage asynchronous operations using callbacks, promises, or async/await. Callbacks are suitable for simple asynchronous tasks but can lead to "callback hell" if nested deeply. Promises, in turn, avoid nested callbacks and provide .then() and .catch() methods for chaining operations. Async/Await offers a more synchronous-looking code style, making it easier to read and maintain. It's beneficial for handling many asynchronous operations in a sequence.

What is npm, and why is it important in Node.js development?

npm (Node Package Manager) manages packages and dependencies in Node.js projects. It allows developers to install, update, and manage libraries and frameworks.

Explain the difference between the 'require' and 'import' statements in Node.js.

'Require' is the default module system in Node.js, used in CommonJS modules. In turn, developers use 'import' in ES6 modules, which need extra configuration. Both include modules in a file but serve different purposes.

What are some common Node.js frameworks you have used?

Common Node.js frameworks include Express.js, Koa.js, Nest.js, Hapi.js, Sails.js, and Meteor.js. Each framework has unique strengths, such as Express.js for simplicity and Nest.js for scalability.

How do you handle error management in Node.js?

It involves using try/catch blocks, error-handling middleware in Express.js, and centralized strategies.

Describe how you would put in place authentication in a Node.js application.

For example, developers can use libraries like Passport.js for JWT, OAuth, and local authentication. It involves setting up middleware to handle user sessions and token verification.

What strategies do you use to optimize performance in Node.js?

Developers can use asynchronous programming, cache responses, optimize database queries, cut I/O operations, and use load balancers.

Explain how you manage database interactions.

ORM tools manage database interactions in Node.js. It can be Sequelize for SQL databases or Mongoose for MongoDB. Developers can use these tools to interact with databases, handle migrations, and perform CRUD operations.

How do you handle real-time communication in Node.js?

We can use WebSockets and for bidirectional communication between the client and server.

Besides tech knowledge, it is equally important to discuss soft skills. During the interview, pay attention to how the candidate answers your questions. A developer who can explain the technical aspects of the job and can take feedback will make a positive contribution to the team dynamic.

Also, assess the candidate’s ability to solve problems. Ask them to describe the challenges they’ve faced in previous projects and how they handled them. Assess their teamwork skills by discussing their role in earlier projects. Find out if they have experience working in cross-functional teams and how they manage deadlines.

Summing Up

Candidate search and selection is a long process that can feel daunting at times. To hire Node.js developers, you need to:

  • Define your project requirements
  • Choose a model of engagement
  • Explore job boards and online platforms
  • Check out the developers' portfolios
  • Test and interview the best candidates

By augmenting Node.js staff with DOIT Software, you can skip all these stages and get the right talent without the hassle of recruiting. Share your requirements, and we’ll provide you with the first relevant CVs in a few days.

Frequently Asked Questions

Need to hire Node.js developers?

Get a consultation and start building your dream team ASAP.


How much does it cost to hire a Node.js developer?

A Node.js developer can cost anywhere from $42,087/year for a junior position in Western Europe and up to $179,000/year for a senior candidate in the US. The average rate for a Node.js developer in Eastern Europe and LATAM is $30-60/hour.

Are Node.js developers in demand?

Yes, Node.js developers are among the most in-demand for web coding. In 2024, almost every second (42.7%) professional programmer uses Node.js. Expertise in this technology is often used in popular full-stack combinations such as MEAN, MERN, and MEVN. As of June 2024, 29000+ Node.js developer jobs in the US are available on the LinkedIn platform alone.

What does a Node.js developer do?

A Node.js developer builds and maintains server-side applications using JavaScript. They optimize performance, manage databases, and design APIs.

How long does it take to hire Node.js developers?

If you want to hire Node.js developers in-house, expect to spend around 2-3 months. Hiring specialists through IT staff augmentation, in turn, takes 2-4 weeks.

Serhii Osadchuk,
CTO @ DOIT Software
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