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Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tech stack: Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, Kotlin Flows, Dagger, Retrofit, Google Maps SDK, Firebase, Room, LiveData, JUnit, Mockito, Git
A mobile app programmer with 4 years of experience in Android development. Proficient in Kotlin, with expertise in Jetpack Compose navigation, Room, LiveData, and ViewModel. Strong understanding of MVVM architecture and Clean Architecture principles.
Skilled in asynchronous programming and RESTful services. Hands-on experience with location-based features with Google Maps SDK. Strong background in unit testing and version control with Git. Able to troubleshoot and optimize performance issues.

Lublin, Poland
Tech stack: Flutter, Dart, TypeScript, GetX, Bloc, NestJS, AWS, WebSocket, Analytics SDK, Firebase, Git
Skilled app developer with 6 years of experience in mobile development, including 3 years in Flutter. Strong understanding of state management, with hands-on experience in GetX and Bloc. Proficient in WebSockets real-time communication. Can audit performance bottlenecks and improve codebases. Knowledgeable in backend integration with NestJS and REST APIs.

Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Part-time (20 hours/week)
Tech stack: React Native, Expo, JavaScript, TypeScript, MongoDB, React Query, Zustand, Reanimated, Tamagui, NativeWind, Swagger
A senior mobile app developer with 5 years in cross-platform React Native programming. Strong MongoDB experience, with a solid understanding of database structuring and offline-first applications with data synchronization. Proficient in state management using React Query and Zustand.
Experience working with mobile animations and UI optimization. Strong grasp of mobile deployment processes for the App Store and Google Play. Also, can conduct code reviews and mentor team members.
Part-time (20 hours/week)

Lviv, Ukraine
Tech stack: Dart, Swift, Flutter, SwiftUI, Bloc, GetX, SQLite, Drift, Core Data, Dio, Retrofit, GraphQL, WebSocket, Firebase, Fastlane, Bitrise, Codemagic, Git, XCTest, Mockito
Experienced mobile tech lead with 7 years in application development, including 2 years as a team lead, and a strong background in Flutter and iOS native integrations. Skilled in leading cross-platform mobile projects with a focus on clean architecture. Strong expertise in state management and database-driven applications, particularly for CRM systems.
Hands-on experience in API integrations and authentication systems. Leads CI/CD automation and deployment processes. Has a track record in mentoring developers and conducting code reviews. Skilled in collaborating with backend engineers, product managers, and stakeholders.

Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Tech stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, React Native, React Navigation, Redux, Zustand, React Query, Axios, Fetch, Fastlane, Git, Bitrise, Firebase, AWS
A senior React Native developer with 5 years of hands-on cross-platform mobile app development experience. Brings a strong foundation in native mobile development, with the ability to bridge Swift and Kotlin modules when needed. Understands the full Android/iOS app lifecycle with smooth interaction between platform-specific components and React Native.
Experienced in CI/CD automation and cloud services, supporting backend teams in DevOps and mobile deployments. Takes an active role in writing well-organized documentation.

Mexico City, Mexico
Part-time (25 hours/week)
Tech stack: Kotlin, Android SDK, Jetpack Compose, Coroutines, Room, Retrofit, Firebase Analytics, Mixpanel, Amplitude, Snowflake, AWS, Git, Fastlane, JUnit
Experienced Android developer with 4 years in enterprise mobile analytics solutions. Deep expertise in Android SDK and Jetpack Compose. Extensive experience in data-driven mobile apps with real-time tracking and reporting. Proficient in working with legacy codebases. Can lead migration efforts with hands-on experience in Java to Kotlin transition.
Part-time (25 hours/week)

Houston, TX, United States
Tech stack: Swift, SwiftUI, Combine, Core Data, Socket.io, Firebase, Alamofire, XCTest, Fastlane, CocoaPods
A skilled mobile app developer with 3 years of experience in building native iOS applications. Proficient in Swift, with a strong understanding of SwiftUI and code-based Auto Layout. Well-versed in Reactive Programming using Combine.
Experienced in networking and API integration. Hands-on expertise with Firebase services and push notifications implementation. Comfortable writing unit tests. Has experience setting up CI/CD pipelines.
Hire a mobile app developer in 4 steps
Since 2015, DOIT Software has helped 40+ businesses hire mobile app developers in the USA, Europe, and LATAM. Over the years, the DOIT team has customized the matching process to ensure you get the best-fit app builders for hire fast.
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Hire dedicated mobile app developers with DOIT
Scale your team with proactive, senior-vetted mobile developers and focus on your app efforts while DOIT handles the rest.
Hire an app developer for your solution
DOIT's mobile app programmers use their experience to tailor the right development approach to your business needs. Whether you need a native iOS or Android app or a cross-platform solution, the DOIT team ensures that you work with experts who can meet your goals.
Native mobile app developers
Cross-platform app developers
Hire mobile app programmers with Kotlin expertise to build native Android applications that follow Google’s best practices. Work with experts who use Jetpack libraries, Android APIs, and modern architecture patterns. Kotlin enables concise, error-resistant code with reduced technical debt and improved long-term stability.
Engage with Swift developers to create secure, high-performance iOS applications that integrate with Apple’s ecosystem. Work with specialists who can optimize speed and memory efficiency to meet App Store standards. Swift’s modern language features help maintain app responsiveness across iOS, macOS, and other Apple platforms.
Work with Flutter developers to build cross-platform mobile apps that run on iOS and Android. Leverage a single Dart codebase with a consistent UI and flexible layouts for mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices. Get faster development cycles with hot-reload and pre-built widgets without sacrificing app quality.
Hire mobile application developers with React Native skills to create cross-platform solutions with a shared JavaScript/TypeScript codebase. Get your iOS and Android apps built with the same language as your web platform and rendered as native-like without compromising on users’ experiences.
Mobile app developer tech stack
Mobile development

Why DOIT app developers?
Vetted engineers with a 5% selection rate
Hire mobile app developers with proven tech skills trusted by global fintech, retail, defense tech, healthcare, e-commerce, and IoT businesses.
What do clients say about DOIT software?

Tali Bartal
Product Manager

Larissa Paschyn
Citizens to the Rescue

Stephan Schwarze
Radiant RFID

Dean Dzrurilla
Product Manager
Visible Impact
Hiring mobile app developers: DOIT case studies
see all cases
Healthcare solution provider ID-Queue required IT staff to develop a mobile app to support its interpreting services.
DOIT Software provided 7 specialists through a staff augmentation model. A team of React Native mobile and Node.js back-end developers, as well as DevOps engineer, Project Manager, UI/UX designer, and QA engineer helped ID-Queue speed up the development processes.

The DOIT Software team developed an app that allows users to check doctors’ availability, make an appointment in real-time, and plan a route to the doctors’ office.
Personal information protection, payments within an app, personal profiles management.

DOIT Software team developed a proactive network relationship management solution that helps users to analyze their contacts and organize them into specific areas of interest. The system provides sophisticated network efficiency index measurement, using suggested and initiated suitable engagement patterns to predict the most efficient activities. Also, it allows transcribing voice-to-text automatically.
Categorize, group and analyze contacts, see upcoming events.
FAQs about mobile app developers
How much does it cost to hire a mobile app developer with DOIT?
What does a mobile app developer do?
How quickly can I hire mobile app developers with DOIT?
I want to hire mobile app developers. How do we proceed?
What skills should I look for when hiring a mobile app developer?
Which countries can I hire mobile app developers from?
How much does it cost to hire a mobile app developer with DOIT?
I want to hire mobile app developers. How do we proceed?
What does a mobile app developer do?
What skills should I look for when hiring a mobile app developer?
How quickly can I hire mobile app developers with DOIT?
Which countries can I hire mobile app developers from?
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