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Project Overview


7 team members


Mobile development
staff augmentation


Healthcare startup in the USA

2 React Native Developers

Node.js Developer

DevOps Engineer

Project Manager

UI/UX Designer

QA Engineer

staff augmentation case study team composition

ID-Queue Challenges

As a healthcare solution provider, ID-Queue supports clinics that serve 65 to 100 patients at any given time, often in as many as eight different languages. The process of getting an interpreter was slow, wasting time and money and impeding the ability to help people. The ID-Queue team needed workflow management software to improve service delivery and decrease response time.

To build this system, ID-Queue needed to find and hire developers with mobile and backend skills. They had specific requirements and tight deadlines but found it difficult to assemble the team fast enough. To overcome these challenges, ID-Queue turned to DOIT Software for staff augmentation. This approach allowed them to quickly bring in skilled IT professionals and keep the project on schedule.

With the system’s installation, overhead pages, beeper systems, dispatchers, and unknown wait times became a thing of the past. This software solution now helps medical staff respond quickly to all requests related to their workflow.


Mobile App

Cross-Platform React Native


NodeJS, Rest API

Database and Storage


Additional tech and service

Firebase Cloud Messaging,

How DOIT Software Contributed to the ID-Queue Product Development

ID-Queue opted for IT Staff augmentation with DOIT Software. We started with a detailed project analysis to understand the exact skill set needed. Here's how the process unfolded:


Requirement analysis

DOIT team first thoroughly analyzed ID-Queue's project requirements to assess the existing technology stack and anticipated challenges. The primary focus was identifying the right mix of technical skills and healthcare domain knowledge for the required specialists.

Shortlisting candidates

The DOIT recruiting team conducted a talent pool analysis, focusing on developers with experience in React Native, Node.js, Rest API, and cloud services like Firebase. This stage involved five rounds of video interviews, technical assessments, and skill validations.

Interviews and selection

DOIT Software conducted joint interviews with ID-Queue only with vetted and technically checked candidates. Together with their Product Manager, we assessed each candidate's capabilities, problem-solving approaches, and cultural fit.

Integration into the team

The DOIT team facilitated a smooth onboarding process. We helped prepare all documents, align project goals, and establish communication protocols.

At all stages of cooperation, DOIT Software handled staff-related issues, including:

Payroll management

Office accommodation

Team retention activities

Powerful workstations

Team vacations

HR, taxes, and legal support

staff augmentation case study staff services

Team Composition


Project Manager


React Native Developers


Node.js Developer


DevOps Engineer


QA Engineer


UI/UX Designer

Project Manager

8 years of experience

Tech stack: Jira, Confluence, Agile methodologies, Microsoft Project, Trello, Slack, Google Workspace, Zoom

– Led planning sessions and discussions.
– Collaborated with the client to align project goals with business objectives.
– Developed a project roadmap with key milestones and deliverables.
– Added tasks to Jira, set priorities in collaboration with the Product Manager, and created sprints.
– Assigned tasks to the development team and tracked progress throughout the sprint cycle.

React Native Developers

5+ years of experience

Tech stack: React Native, JavaScript, Redux, Firebase Cloud Messaging, Expo, REST APIs, TypeScript, Git, Firebase Cloud Messaging

– Developed the cross-platform mobile application from the ground up.
– Integrated real-time push notifications and handled Firebase Cloud Messaging.
– Optimized app performance for both iOS and Android platforms.

Node.js Developer

6 years of experience

Tech stack: Node.js, Express.js, Rest API, MySQL,, Firebase, AWS, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), Microservices architecture, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, MongoDB

– Developed and maintained the backend infrastructure, including API endpoints.
– Integrated real-time communication features using
– Managed database interactions with MySQL.
– Developed custom components that enabled efficient interpreter dispatch and status tracking.

DevOps Engineer

7 years of experience

Tech stack: Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Kubernetes, Docker, Jenkins, Terraform, Firebase,, Ansible, Prometheus, Grafana, Python, Bash scripting

– Set up a HIPAA-compliant cloud infrastructure on Google Cloud.
– Automated the deployment processes.
– Monitored system performance to ensure real-time response capabilities.

QA Engineer

4 years of experience

Tech stack: Selenium, Appium, Postman, OWASP ZAP, Firebase Test Lab, JIRA, JUnit, Jest

– Conducted end-to-end testing of the mobile app.
– Ensured compliance with healthcare data security standards.
– Managed test automation and manual testing.

UI/UX Designer

5 years of experience

Tech stack: Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, InVision, Zeplin, Adobe Creative Suite, UserTesting, Google Analytics, Hotjar, HTML/CSS, Design Systems (Material Design, Bootstrap)

– Designed interfaces for the mobile application.
– Created wireframes, prototypes, and high-fidelity mockups.
– Worked closely with the development team and assisted with design implementation.

Integration into an existing solution
User management
Notification delivery
Complience requirements

Integration into an existing solution

The first challenge was to choose the right approach to build the optimal solution architecture for mobile application development.

The primary source of the problem – developers had to work with an existing database. This database already contained data and had its structure. Still, all this is complicated by the fact that there was a web solution that worked with the database directly through regular queries without any APIs.

So, DOIT’s task was to find developers who could not only build a project on the existing solution but also extend the API endpoints that can be used for the mobile application.

Since there was no access to the web solution but only to the database, DOIT suggested focusing on developers who could:

– build a separate Backend instance where APIs for mobile App are located;
– connect the Backend instance directly to the database to interact with, taking into account the existing structure;
– create a mobile application that will work with the standard Client-Server approach.

Of course, ideally, it would be great to rebuild the part regarding the web solution to avoid a tight relationship between the interfaces and the database. It would add more flexibility to the system in the future. But it was not relevant from a business point of view at the moment.

User management: one application - different companies

This product was conceived as a SAAS solution for organizations in the medical field. It means we must provide convenient work with one application but personalized data for each user, depending on which company he belongs to.

DOIT team has considered several options. The first is that the user simply specifies the server to which the application should connect. This method may work, and DOIT developers even have experience with this approach for another project. But the problem is sometimes these server names are not very user-friendly to remember, and it is quite difficult for users to do so.

DOIT decided to improve this approach and create an intermediary, like a proxy table, that will contain configuration data for each client’s server. Then, the user only needs to remember a simple company code. Yes, it added a bit of work to administer the system, but it made life easier for users.

Guaranteed delivery of notifications

For this solution, it is crucial how quickly and guaranteed users receive notifications. The time of their response and the provision of services depends on it.

The first solution to this problem was to engage developers with Socket Connections expertise. It allows real-time data exchange between the application and the server. However, maintaining a live connection through Sockets can be challenging, especially when the mobile app is not in use or running in the background.

To ensure the receiving of messages, developers have decided to implement Push Notifications based on the Google Cloud service. This additional layer ensured that users received all necessary updates, even with a slight delay when the app wasn’t running.

In this way, the combination of Sockets for real-time updates and Push Notifications for guaranteed delivery provided a comprehensive notification system.

HIPAA and Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) requirements

Data protection is essential for any software solution. But this is much more important when you work with sensitive data like Patient Data in Healthcare.

There are several standards you should consider to manage and structure this issue throughout the development process. So, DOIT focused on matching developers with HIPAA and OWASP compliance experience.

OWASP – The Open Web Application Security Project is a nonprofit foundation that works to improve software security.
HIPAA – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 is United States legislation that provides data privacy and security provisions for safeguarding medical information.

The main focus is to:

– secure data transmission: for example, use the only HTTPS;
– avoid the possibility of access to data by third parties; for example, access to the database is only from the whitelisted IP, minimizing the transfer of sensitive content, etc.

The good news is that DOIT Software has a pool of experts who successfully coped with similar tasks and met all the requirements.

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ID-Queue Results with DOIT Software

With DOIT Software's developers, ID-Queue was able to:


Save 3-6 months of hiring time over the expected in-house recruiting process.


Ensure continuous project progress with a 90%+ ongoing satisfaction rate of the staffed development team.


Reduce labor fees and overhead costs by 60% by hiring developers from Eastern Europe.


Found expertise to launch a mobile app for their cloud-based Interpreting SaaS, integrated with the existing database.


Optimize the setup for HIPAA and OWASP compliant cloud infrastructure.


Develop additional features, like custom filters and elaborate UX navigation and color schemas.


Cut the average wait time for an interpreter in the clinic by more than 50%.

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