Are you looking to enhance your team with skilled Ruby on Rails developers? This comprehensive article is your one-stop resource for everything you need to know. Below, you can find:

  • Ruby on Rails developers available for hire.
  • The guide on how to hire Ruby on Rails developers who would fit your organization, project goals, and corporate ideologies.
  • The general benefits of RoR technology.
  • Various types of hiring models.
  • A list of appropriate interview questions that will help you find RoR developers.

Continue reading to discover all you need to know about hiring top Ruby on Rails developers.


Hire Ruby on Rails developers



Senior Ruby on Rails Developer

Tech stack: Ruby, Python, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, SQL, VMX(Virtualization), Rspec, Bootstrap, Express.js, Jquery, React.js, Redux.js, Django, Ruby on Rails, Flask, Node.js, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB

Among Michael’s portfolio are a document flow management system, a system monitoring dashboard for system administrators in big data centers, a ticket management solution, and much more.




Senior Software Engineer

Tech stack: Ruby, CSS/CSS3, HTML/HTML5/XML, SQL, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, Rspec, Sinatra, Angular.js, React.js, Meteor.js, Git & Github, Cordova, Ionic, Underscore.js, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB, Redis

Vasyl is an experienced Ruby on Rails developer with over 7 years of experience. He is passionate about building complex solutions for the retail and healthcare industries. He has recently finished an app for parents who want to keep track of their baby’s growth.



Middle Ruby on Rails Developer

Tech stack: Ruby on Rails, JavaScript (AngularJS), RSpec, Capybara, PostgreSQL, AWS S3, Docker, CI/CD with Jenkins

Viktoriya is a skilled Middle Ruby on Rails Developer with 4 years of experience in developing robust web applications. Her recent project involves creating a web-based platform designed to help urban gardeners manage and track their gardening activities.



Junior Ruby on Rails Developer

Tech stack: Ruby on Rails, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, Bootstrap, GitHub

An enthusiastic Ruby on Rails Developer with 2 years of experience in web development. Dmytro has a strong foundation in Ruby on Rails and recently participated in the back-end development for a social media application. He is knowledgeable in using MySQL databases and deploying applications using GitHub.



Junior Ruby on Rails Developer

Tech stack: Ruby on Rails, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Git, Heroku

Anastasiia is a motivated Ruby on Rails Developer with 2 years of hands-on experience in web application development. Her recent project involved building a responsive e-commerce platform, which sharpened up her skills in Ruby on Rails, and front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. She has experience working with PostgreSQL databases and deploying applications on Heroku.

Quick Facts: How to Hire Ruby on Rails Developers

  • Ruby on Rails is one of the top 10 most utilized frameworks in the United States.
  • Ruby on Rails is a perfect choice for creating high-performance and feature-rich applications.
  • Hourly rates of Ruby on Rails developers differ from location to location. Hiring a coder from Eastern Europe at a rate of $40 - $70 or Asia at a rate of $30 - $50 is usually cheaper than from the US at a rate of $75 - $200 or Western Europe at a rate of $60 - $100.
  • Check out websites like LinkedIn, Indeed, CareerBuilder, etc., to hire in-house Rails programmers.
  • If you are willing to hire freelance developers, check out Freelancer, Toptal, or Upwork.
  • If you need to rent a Ruby on Rails expert, use IT staff augmentation services. Contact us and get the first CVs within a week.

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Benefits Of Using Ruby On Rails For Your Project

hire ruby on rails developers benefits


Before we dive into hiring Ruby on Rails developers, let’s talk about the technology itself. Why are we considering Ruby on Rails development? What are the business benefits of choosing this technology for your next project?


Faster Development

The Ruby programming language is on average faster than its competition, such as PHP and Python. Rails is Ruby’s framework that accelerates development by reducing the amount of code writing. As a result, you save money and deliver a high performance app in a shorter time.



Scalability is something that every business requires, regardless of the industry, current size, and target audience. Even if you are small right now, you might expand quickly very soon, and you need to have the resources to react. Without the ability to scale up or shrink down, your app will fail to adequately respond to sudden traffic peaks, increasing the number of requests and the seasonal ups and downs in the user load. Ruby on Rails is a scalable technology that enables an immediate and timely reaction to traffic spikes as per requirements.



The Ruby on Rails framework has a huge community support network that regularly contributes to its development. RoR has a large library filled with tools, functions, add-ons that can enrich your application and make it more advanced and versatile. Known as Gems, they allow Ruby on Rails developers to add functionalities and create high performance and feature-rich applications.

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Cybersecurity is one of the hottest topics in the software development world. Regardless of how well developed your app is, how attractive your product is to your users, how advanced the features are, if user data remains unprotected, you will eventually lose your audience. Data breaches often lead to significant reputational losses, as well as negative financial repercussions. Ruby on Rails provides a high level of security, even without extra coding. The framework allows for a secure development lifecycle with the use of default tools.

Skills of Ruby on Rails Developers

One cannot hire Ruby on Rails developers without learning what they do. So what does a Ruby on Rails developer do, and which skills are vital for RoR programming?

Technical Skills

What are the essential technical skills for Ruby on Rails developers?


Ruby on Rails

Hire Ruby developers who are well-versed in RoR syntax such as loops, classes, modules, etc., as well as knowledgeable in object-oriented programming. An average Ruby on Rails web developer should also be aware of the Model view controller framework and know how to use it. Finally, RoR developers are required to be familiar with the Ruby on Rails stack and perform operations such as POST, GET, PUT, etc., as well as have a sufficient knowledge base about REST APIs.


Even though Ruby is a backend language, knowing how frontend works and functions is a great skill for an RoR developer. Obviously, a Ruby on Rails engineer does not require extensive knowledge of JavaScript and CSS, but having enough skills to understand frontend developers and efficiently collaborate with them is a huge plus.


Before you hire Ruby on Rails developers, make sure they can comprehend databases well enough to read and operate logs. Basic knowledge about SQL, PostgreSQL, and MySQL is one of the necessary skills required for a Ruby on Rails developer.

Soft Skills

Soft skills are also vital for smooth collaboration with your team and they play a major role in the software development process.



Ruby on Rails development requires a decent amount of teamwork and collaboration, which amplifies the importance of communication skills. Hire RoR developers who have good interpersonal skills and can adapt to the company's communication channels.

Analytical and logical reasoning

It takes longer to understand, conceptualize, and design a feature than to create code to execute it. Having advanced analytical and logical skills allows coders to create plausible concepts and quickly materialize them, without frequently starting from scratch.

Self education

The world of technology changes more rapidly and frequently than in any other industry. The ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments makes the distinction between a good engineer and a brilliant one. Hire Ruby on Rails developers who are willing to learn and self educate.

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Cost of hiring Ruby on Rails developers

How much does it cost to hire Ruby on Rails developers? Hourly rates differ from location to location, and hiring a coder from Eastern Europe or Asia is usually cheaper than from the US or Western Europe. Salaries also depend on the Ruby on Rails developer skills and seniority levels, as well as the project complexity.

hire ror developers rates

Western Europe
Eastern Europe

$75 - $200

$60 - $100

$40 - $70

$30 - $50

If you decide to employ a Ruby on Rails outsourcing company, our small salary overview will give you direction. In case your budget allows, you could hire an American or Western European RoR development company, if not, Eastern European Ruby on Rails development teams are a great middle-ground between expertise and cost-effectiveness.

Hire Ruby on Rails Developers using the Right Model

In this section, we will take a closer look at three main strategies that can be used to hire Ruby on Rails developers. Your choice could vary depending on your business goals, budget constraints, and staffing, as well as your personal preferences. Let’s try to define different hiring options and pinpoint their advantages and disadvantages.


Hire Ruby on Rails Developers In-House

Hiring in-house workers is a traditional type of employment that is still relevant and has a number of benefits.

Advantages of In-house Ruby Developers


In-house hiring implies that an employee will work exclusively for your company. He or she will devote all their time and energy to your project, without any distractions. Unlike workers who jump between two and more projects, an in-house staff is fully focused on your goals and spends their time on attaining them.

Simple communication

When you hire in-house Ruby developers, you get access to simple and straightforward communication channels. You and your employees share the same office space, follow the same time schedule, and perform in the same time zone. All of the above noticeably simplifies and streamlines communication flow, and enables simpler collaboration.

Corporate culture

In-house Ruby on Rails engineers become an integral part of the company, brand, and team. They can take part in internal projects, organize events, and represent the brand name and message. Employees can establish a real connection to the company and its products, inherit its values and vision. This connection creates truly loyal workers who will stick around and support your company even during a slowdown.
Disadvantages of In-house Rails Developers

Limited talent pool

Especially if you reside in a small town, you might face difficulties trying to find Ruby on Rails developers with sufficient experience. Some areas are not attractive for software engineers as there aren’t many software development companies, and RoR developers for hire do not have many options to choose from.

Elevated costs

In-house hiring is an official process that requires adherence to a bunch of legal HR measures. Your company is required to cover employee insurance, taxes, pay for office equipment and vacations, etc. All the costs that go into onboarding one person for Ruby on Rails development might be counterproductive for a short-term project.

Where to hire Ruby on Rails developers in-house?

Check out websites like LinkedIn, Indeed, CareerBuilder, etc. to find experienced Rails programmers. Your HR department will have to go through a large number of candidates to find a hidden gem and hire RoR app developers.



Hire Freelance Ruby on Rails Programmers

In this case, freelancers are remote developers who usually work per project. There are also benefits and drawbacks of hiring freelancers that we are going to discuss further in the text.

Advantages of Freelancing Ruby on Rails Programmers


As much as in-house hiring is expensive, freelancing is cost-effective. You do not need to cover office equipment costs, pension, or taxes as freelancers are liable for self-employment taxes themselves. Freelancers receive an hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours they have dedicated to the project. Alternatively, you can agree upon a fixed price that a freelancer will receive after the project is finished and approved.

Large candidate pool

Freelancers mostly work online, which makes their location irrelevant for the collaboration. This aspect significantly broadens the search, as you can hire Ruby on Rails developers from all over the world. Having access to a large pool of candidates accelerates the hiring process and allows you to find someone who fits your budget.

Ideal for short-term projects

Hire a Ruby on Rails developer who works as a freelancer for a particular task or short-term project. This type of collaboration is perfect for freelancers as you can work out the compensation details and simply hire a developer for a small task that your team cannot do. Or perhaps your team is occupied with other tasks and does not have time to invest in another project. This type of project can be easily delegated to a freelancer.
Disadvantages of Freelancing Ruby on Rails Experts

Less control

This point is twofold: you have less control over the task or project that the freelancer is responsible for, and you cannot manage the freelancer’s work as much as you usually do. There is a level of trust that you have to establish when collaborating with a freelancer, and if it’s missing, your project might suffer the consequences.

Unknown level of expertise

Most freelancer platforms do not have any vetting processes whatsoever. As a result, freelancers can include any information they want, even false experience or education. You might hire a Ruby on Rails developer thinking that this person is a Ruby expert, when in reality they are a newbie. And even if the platform does force freelancers to pass some tests to be published on their website, you have no way of learning who actually passed the test, was it the person behind the account or someone else. Skill evaluation requires significant experience and knowledge, and we will elaborate on that later in the article when we explore the Ruby on Rails developer interview questions.

Where to Hire Ruby on Rails Developers Freelancers?

There are a plethora of platforms to hire RoR developers:

  • If you are willing to hire developers online, check out Freelancer and Upwork. These platforms conduct zero to little screening processes, including tests. Here you can find junior to middle specialists.
  • If you require a top Ruby expert, check out Toptal, a platform with a rigorous vetting process that consists of five steps. Only three percent of all applicants successfully pass the tests and make it into Toptal’s database. Learn more about Toptal and Upwork in our article devoted to studying these platforms and establishing their strengths and weaknesses.


Use the IT Staff Augmentation Model

hire ruby on rails developers it staff augmentation

IT staff augmentation refers to borrowing one or several specialists for the project duration. This type of hiring is also perfect for short-term projects, but as opposed to freelancing, the staff augmentation team becomes a part of your in-house team. They work for you and with you for the entire project duration.

Advantages of IT Staff Augmentation

Quality guarantee

Working with a staff augmentation agency adds an extra layer of security and reliability Your staff augmentation partner will guarantee the performance you agree upon and take care of all the paperwork and legal actions. You will receive the results you look for and you will be legally protected by contracts.

Rigorous vetting

IT staff augmentation agencies conduct a very thorough vetting process before they hire Ruby on Rails developers. If you decide to use their services, you will end up with top-notch professionals whose experience is proven. Unlike most freelancing platforms where you might encounter quite a lot of scammers, IT staff augmentation partners guarantee the creme de la creme.

Cost reduction

IT staff augmentation will also save you on expenses, especially in the long term. Your organization will reduce the cost of management overhead, as well as training costs. Your staff augmentation partner will take care of the training and onboarding, leaving you with no preparation tasks. Besides that, you can choose an agency that operates from Eastern Europe and offers lower prices for the same job.
Disadvantages of IT Staff Augmentation


Compared to an in-house team, IT staff augmentation is still a remote option. Your communication processes and organization might suffer from having an entire team working remotely. However, this disadvantage is easily solvable with a good and professional IT staff augmentation partner that will ensure smooth and fruitful collaboration.

Where to Find IT Staff Augmentation Services?

Look for IT staff augmentation firms online and conduct a thorough vetting process. We recommend you to go through references and reviews, as well as a client list, to make sure the company knows what it’s doing and that they can be trusted. Visit the homepages of the best companies for Ruby on Rails development and check out their case studies. The key is to find a company that has sufficient experience with Ruby on Rails development services that fits your requirements and goals. If you are not sure, contact the agency and ask about their interview process and how exactly they evaluate their staff.


In-house developers vs freelancers vs IT staff augmentation: table of comparison.

In-house personnel
Staff augmentation

Cost effectiveness

The most expensive model

Cost-effective model

Cost-effective model


Your HR and Team Lead will have to conduct several interviews to find the right candidate

Depending on the platform, you might find someone who is not as experienced as he or she claims

Top-notch vetting process guarantees seasoned experts with extensive experience


High grade of reliability

Freelancers can be unreliable as you do not have direct control over their workflow

High level of reliability, supported by legally binding contracts

Project control

You will have absolute control over the project

You will not have direct control over the outsourced task

You will preserve control as the augmented workers will become a part of your team

Talent pool





Direct communication with clear channels

The lack of direct communication

Direct communication with clear channels

Vitaly DOIT Software

Need to optimize your budget on hiring a development team?

Contact us to find out how IT Staff Augmentation in Eastern Europe can help you to save on your budget. Contact us

How to Hire the Best Ruby on Rails Developers

Hiring Process

Whether you’re looking to hire in-house developers, use staff augmentation services, or contract freelancers, here are the essential steps to follow:


Clarify Open Role Requirements

Define the role you need to fill. Determine the necessary skills, experience level, and any specific project requirements and engagement model you want to use.

Create a Hiring Funnel

Establish a transparent hiring process with defined stages. This could include sourcing candidates, screening, technical evaluations, and final selection. Make sure everyone involved understands the process.

Prepare a Job Description

Craft a comprehensive job description that includes the role's responsibilities, required skills, and qualifications. Be sure to highlight any unique aspects of your company and the projects that the future employees will work on.

Shortlist Candidates

Begin the candidate search by posting job openings on various platforms, including job boards and LinkedIn, or outreach to your IT Staff Augmentation partner with a request. Collect resumes and applications, then shortlist candidates who align with your requirements.

First Screening with an HR

Conduct an initial screening with your HR team to assess candidates' soft skills, cultural fit, and overall suitability for the company. This step helps filter out candidates who may not align with your organization's values and goals.

Technical Interview

Evaluate candidates' programming skills, problem-solving abilities, and familiarity with relevant technologies. Assess their knowledge of Ruby on Rails best practices and their ability to work within your development stack.

Live Coding or Test Task Execution

Depending on your hiring approach, you can request candidates to complete a live coding exercise or a test task that simulates real-world challenges they might encounter in your Ruby on Rails projects. This step helps you gauge their practical skills and problem-solving capabilities. It can be a 1-2 hour assignment.


After the technical assessments, review feedback from all interviewers involved in the process. Make a well-informed decision based on both technical competence and cultural fit. Ensure that your choice aligns with your project's needs and your company's long-term goals.


Once you've selected the ideal candidate, begin the onboarding process. Provide them with all necessary resources, access to project documentation, and a clear understanding of your company's development methodologies and tools. Ensure they feel welcomed and integrated into your Ruby on Rails development team from day one.

Hiring Ruby on Rails developers requires a meticulous approach to ensure you find the right fit for your needs. Following these steps, you can secure a talented Ruby on Rails developer to enhance your software development endeavors.

Let’s dive deep into the details. Keep reading to learn more about crafting the perfect job description and what questions to ask when interviewing Ruby on Rails developers.


How to write a Ruby on Rails Developer job description for your project

When crafting a compelling job description to hire a Ruby on Rails developer for your project, ensure that it includes these key elements:


Position Title

Begin with a clear and concise job title like "Middle/Senior Ruby on Rails Developer" or "Team Lead RoR Developer" to attract suitable candidates immediately.

Company Overview

Provide an overview of your company, highlighting its mission and culture, and describe the project for which you're looking for a RoR expert.

Job Summary

Start with a summary that outlines the primary responsibilities and objectives of the role within your Ruby on Rails development team.

Key Responsibilities

Detail the day-to-day duties and responsibilities the candidate will undertake. This should encompass tasks such as developing and maintaining Ruby on Rails applications, collaborating with cross-functional teams, and optimizing code for performance and scalability.

Required Skills

Specify the essential skills and qualifications candidates must possess, including proficiency in Ruby on Rails, knowledge of relevant web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), and experience with databases (SQL or NoSQL), for instance.

Experience Level

Indicate the desired level of experience, whether you're seeking junior, mid-level, or senior Ruby on Rails developers for hire. Mention any minimum years of experience you require.

Technical Stack

List the technologies, frameworks, and tools your Ruby on Rails development team uses. This could include mention of databases (e.g., PostgreSQL), version control (e.g., Git), and deployment tools (e.g., Heroku).

Company Culture

Highlight your company's culture, values, and work environment. Mention whether your team follows agile methodologies, remote work options, or any unique perks or benefits that set you apart as an employer.

Application Process

Clearly outline the steps candidates should follow to apply for the position. Include information on submitting their resumes, cover letters, and any coding tests or exercises you require as part of the application process.

Crafting a well-rounded Ruby on Rails Developer job description not only attracts suitable candidates but also sets clear expectations for the role within your team. By including these elements, you’ll increase the chances of finding the right talent to contribute to your project’s success.

Let’s move to running an interview. Conducting a technical interview requires a fair amount of preparation and planning. As a start, you should make sure to invite the CTO or Tech Team Lead to assess the technical skills of candidates, and an HR specialist to evaluate their soft skills and compatibility with the company’s culture and values. Finally, invite the senior RoR developer or Ruby consultants who will take care of the Ruby on Rails specific nuances.

In this section, we will explore some of the best practices that will help you conduct a fruitful technical interview, and find the best people for the Ruby on Rails application development process. Additionally, we will go over a list of interview questions that will allow you to evaluate the candidates’ skills and domain knowledge.



Best practices to conduct a successful technical interview

There are a few tricks on how to hire a Ruby on Rails developer that help you be well prepared for the interview, and to create a comfortable atmosphere for the candidate. Here are the top three tips from Ruby on Rails development companies:


Convey your corporate culture during the interview

The importance of corporate culture should not be underestimated. Try to convey the values of your organization throughout the entire interview. Candidates tend to make decisions about employment based on values that the business demonstrates, which is why it is important to mention them during the interview. Besides, if you want an employee who understands your brand and fits in the team, it is in your interest to pay special attention to conveying the corporate culture.

Learn about the candidate and ask specific questions

Study the resume, experience, and education of the interviewee to better understand where the candidate might fit into your organization. Knowing the candidate’s background and experience in Ruby on Rails development companies will also help you ask intentional and specific questions, without going on long tangents.

Make sure the candidate understands the role

During the interview, go over the responsibilities and expectations of the position to make sure the candidate has the right impression. Give your interviewees time to ask questions about the role to ensure that they clearly understand what the role is about and which Ruby on Rails development services are being sought.

10 Ruby on Rails interview questions to ask

hire ruby on rails developers interview questions
Here is a small overview of typical questions that a Ruby on Rails development company usually asks during a technical interview. This list is not exhaustive and can be augmented with more Ruby on Rails software development questions.


What are some advantages and disadvantages of Ruby on Rails?

Advantages are programmer productivity, built-in testing, open-sourceness, and metaprogramming. The biggest limitation is the complex set of tools required to build a truly innovative app, while basic solutions are quite easy to create.

What are Ruby on Rails software design patterns?

There are plenty of design patterns that you can use, but the most popular ones are Service Objects, View Objects, Form Objects,Value Objects, Observer pattern, Policy Objects, etc.

What are Ruby gems?

Ruby gems are libraries created to broaden and improve the capabilities of the language.

Which Ruby gems do you find most useful?

This is an open question that allows candidates to talk about their past experience with RoR, and give you insights into their style of coding.

Explain the meaning and need of the DRY code.

DRY or Don’t Repeat Yourself is an RoR motto that allows developers to keep the code concise.

Name a few common Rails mistakes that lead to longer load time.

The lack of indexes on columns in the database; using an excessive number of gems; setting the read_timeout value too high; etc.

Which deployment tools do you prefer and why?

This question will help you learn about the candidate’s previous experience and whether he or she knows how to use the tools that your company prefers. Since the question is open, the candidate may name Jenkins, GitLab or Capistrano.

What is Active Job?

Active Job is a framework for declaring jobs that enables them to run on several queuing backends.

How does garbage collection work in RoR?

Garbage collection eliminates pointer programs and objects to free up the space for other more important processes.

What is a Rails engine?

Rails applications can be described as compilations of engines that provide various functionalities for the application. Rails engines don’t work on their own, they only function when they become a part of the main Rails application.

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Most Common Ruby on Rails Projects

Ruby on Rails development firms use this powerful web application framework for various projects due to its productivity, efficiency, and ease of use. Let’s explore some of the most common types of websites and web applications that leverage Ruby on Rails in their development process.


#1 ECommerce Platforms

ECommerce businesses might want to partner with a Ruby on Rails development team for various reasons. First and foremost, the RoR framework is famous for its efficiency in handling complex database operations and providing robust security features. Additionally, its built-in libraries and modules make implementing features like payment processing, shopping cart management, and user authentication easier.

Shopify is a prime example of an eCommerce platform developed with Ruby on Rails. It showcases the framework’s ability to efficiently manage large-scale user databases and transaction processes.

#2 Social Networking Sites

These web apps require a framework that efficiently handles large volumes of data and user interactions. Ruby on Rails is ideal for such applications because of its scalable architecture and robust data-handling capabilities. Ruby engineers prefer this framework for social networking sites due to its ability to quickly implement complex features like user feeds, messaging systems, and social media integrations.

In its early days, X utilized Ruby on Rails for its development, taking advantage of the framework’s rapid deployment capabilities and ease of scalability.

#3 Content Management Systems (CMS)

A Ruby developer might often choose RoR for building CMS due to its ease of use and flexibility. Its MVC architecture allows for a clean separation of concerns, simplifying managing and organizing content. Ruby on Rails engineers can leverage the framework’s extensive library of plugins and modules. As a result, they can ensure the rapid development of custom features tailored to specific requirements.

Refinery CMS, built on Ruby on Rails, offers a user-friendly interface and flexibility, making it a popular choice for website content management.

#4 Project Management Tools

Businesses might want to hire RoR developers for PM solutions creation due to the framework’s structured approach to database management and user interfaces. RoR facilitates developing applications that require complex functionalities like task tracking, collaboration features, and workflow management.

Basecamp, a widely used PM tool, was developed using Ruby on Rails. This example highlights the framework’s capabilities in handling intricate project management and collaboration functionalities.

Each of these project types benefits from the unique strengths of RoR, demonstrating why it is a top choice for Ruby developers in various web development scenarios.

Other Ruby frameworks to consider

While Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular web application frameworks for Ruby, there are other Ruby frameworks that you may consider. Let’s name a few of them:



Sinatra is a lightweight web framework for building small to medium-sized web applications and APIs. It's known for its simplicity and minimalism, making it an excellent choice for prototyping, microservices, or projects where a full-stack framework like Rails might be overkill.

Hanami (formerly Lotus)

Hanami is a modular, full-stack framework for Ruby that emphasizes well-structured code and is suitable for building web applications where maintainability and scalability are paramount. It's a good choice for larger projects or when you need to work on a more structured codebase.


Cuba is a microframework designed for creating simple, single-file web applications or APIs. It's great for small projects or when you need to develop a quick proof of concept. Cuba is known for its lightweight nature and flexibility.


Roda is a routing-focused web framework that aims to be highly performance-oriented and extensible. It's a good fit when you need to optimize for speed and flexibility while building web applications. Roda allows developers to create custom routing and middleware for tailored solutions.


Volt is a reactive web framework that is useful for real-time web applications and single-page applications (SPAs) where immediate updates are crucial. Volt leverages websockets to enable dynamic, live interactions.

When deciding which Ruby framework to use, consider the specific needs of your project and the size and complexity of the application. Hiring Ruby on Rails developers may be the best choice for a traditional full-stack web application, but if you require a more lightweight or specialized solution, exploring these alternative frameworks can be beneficial. Each framework has its strengths, making Ruby a versatile language for web development across various use cases and industries.


To hire Ruby on Rails developers who are motivated and willing to work on your project, you have to know enough about the technology and how it works. Luckily, there are great Ruby on Rails companies that are happy to assist you in the search and track the best candidates for the role. Meet DOIT Software, a Ruby development company with years of experience working with Ruby on Rails. Our team of professionals will help you find the best developers to complete your next project. Contact DOIT Software to learn more about IT staff augmentation and how to hire Ruby developers.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Where to find top Ruby on Rails developers?

Depending on the preference of your hiring model, you can hire Ruby on Rails freelance workers on platforms like Upwork or Toptal, or employ an in-house RoR developer via LinkedIn, Indeed, and other websites. Finally, you can choose IT staff augmentation and leave the hiring process to the agency experts.

What skills should I look for in a candidate before hiring Ruby on Rails developers?

Hire Ruby on Rails developers who know the RoR technology, understand the frontend as well as have extensive knowledge about databases such as SQL, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.

How much does it cost to hire Ruby on Rails developers?

The Ruby programmer salary depends on the candidate’s location: in the US, the hourly rate of a RoR developer lies between $75 and $250, and in Western Europe, it is between $40 and $65. Hiring Ruby on Rails developers in Eastern Europe will cost you $30-$50 per hour on average, while in Asia, the rates begin at $25 and go up to $50.

Which is better: Python or Ruby?

It depends on the task you are willing to perform. If you are looking for a tool to build apps for data automation and analysis, Python is your best choice. However, if you are after web development, Ruby is the perfect tool.

Alex CSO
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